EN | FR | DE


Property listings

Property adverts are listed in a clear easy to read style that allows you to manage or display them on any smartphone or tablet.

Google Maps

The map screen displays the location of all of your properties.

Clickable flags show property details.


The dashboard will show you at a glance how many enquiries or hits you have received.

One-click e-mail

Send an e-mail or SMS in English, French or German to any potential client.

They will instantly receive a link to the property details.

Easy navigation

Navigation is simple with clear drop down menus and a powerful search function.

Instant smartphone website

The instant website displays perfectly on smartphones...

Instant PC website

...or on tablets and PCs!

We would take great pleasure in demonstrating our products, either online via Skype or in person. Simply fill out our enquiry form and we will contact you rapidly at your convenience.